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A Glimpse into the Grey Space

Stories from my perspective

Mangra-Dutcher had the privilege to write and upkeep a weekly column throughout her high school career. She began the column as a sophomore and maintained a relative weekly schedule through her senior year. The column writing process forced her to be her own editor, causing a great improvement in her writing. She also was able to work on other skills such as time management and leadership. She attributes most of her successes to this column and it holds a special place in her heart.

Finding My Identity

May 30, 2020

Writing this column meant a lot to Mangra-Dutcher. It forced her to look reflect on herself and also dig into the history of my family. This piece of writing took a dive into controversial ideas about race and identity.

You Drank Lincoln's Pee

November 8, 2019

This was the first column Mangra-Dutcher ever tried to write with a comedic perspective. She was complaining about not having an idea to my editors and they came up with the idea of the water cycle, Mangra-Dutcher got to think in-deathly about a weird topic and try to get sources to elaborate on such a wild idea.

Would I go back?

August 2, 2020

COVID-19 took over everyone's lives and this column showed the raw emotions Mangra-Dutcher was feeling during the quarantine. This time period really tested her motivation and dedication because of how bleak our world was looking.

Too old to have stuffed animals?

December 14, 2019

This was another situation where Mangra-Dutcher was out of ideas and so she was able to utilize some idea-seeking tools. This forced her to expand her horizons a little more than normal because she shared more than she ever had before.

Want to see more of her columns? Click below!

Column Pieces: Articles
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