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Big Ten Expansion
In the package below, Mangra-Dutcher designed three pages utilizing photos, infographics, and copy written to showcase the story of the Big Ten expansion.
ACT Decline
Mangra-Dutcher did both the page layout and the data visualizations for the page below. The data showcases the story of a decline in standard testing in Iowa and nationwide.
By the Numbers
The first major data-driven design Mangra-Dutcher tackled at The Daily Iowan, Mangra-Dutcher collected and scraped numbers to create the one-page package below.
Investing in Women's Sports
Mangra-Dutcher created the four-page package below, using data visualizations to propel the story forward.
Iowa City Alcohol Numbers
Mangra-Dutcher collected and visualized numbers regarding alcohol intake and sellers across the state of Iowa.
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